Caused by an energy deficit or low blood sugar in cows, leading to mobilisation of excess body fat in severe cases. However the body cannot convert this into energy therefore ketone bodies are produced in excess which can then lead to ketosis.
Most common in dairy cattle
In dairy cattle, this happens moreso in early lactation, whereas in beef cattle this happens more commonly in late lactation
Clinical Signs:
Reduced appetite
Strange odour (pear drop smell) in mouth & urine
Milk drop
Increase of other illnesses/conditions (such as a displaced abomasum, mastitis)
Poor fertility
Weight loss
Dull coat
More severe cases:
Abnormal licking/chewing
Excessive salivation
Other nervous signs (such as circling)
Adequate nutrition, feeding and management practices
Providing supplementary feed in times of feed deficiency e.g. drought
Supplementing susceptible cows e.g. with propylene glycol after calving or using Kextone bolus – please speak to a vet regarding appropriate protocols
Body condition scoring
Providing plenty of trough space
Avoid rapid diet changes
Good quality forages
Increase the energy content of the diet
Oral drench with propylene glycol or another energy source
Some particular cases require further treatment or action such as multivitamin and/or steroid injections, and other metabolic treatments such as calcium – please speak to a vet
Any other complications will also need attention, so please speak to a vet